Its very easy to Lock your work station by just two clicks of ur mouse. These are the steps of this task 1-create shortcut on your desktop by right click of mouse
2-Enter 'rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation'
3-Name the shortcut whatever you like 4-just double click on it and your computer will be instantly locked.
Here i am going to tell u a new trick in Window Xp i.e How to use Paint as media is very simple and easy and every one can learn it and can do it. These are the steps to perform this task 1- Start a movie in any player 2-open paint start>>programmes>>accessories>>paint 3-Now press the button 'print screen' on your keyboard while movie is being played
4-click on paste in paint
5-Dont minimize the player leave it open 6-open paint and watch movie in paint